Weekday Special

(Monday – Thursday)

80 minutes: $220 (save $30)                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Let’s get your body back with our feel good Immune Boost Detox.  We get into the session by laying on our BioMat that is a thermo-therapy device that combines two known factors in the maintenance and restoration of health: Far Infrared and Negative Ions.



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Far-Infrared Rays (FIR):
Body temperature regulation is vital for health. When the body temperature drops by only 1˚, more than 3000 essential enzymes cannot perform their function. Immunity is lowered. Cancer cells and other pathogens thrive in low body temperature environments. Through applying FIR waves to the body, the BioMat raises the body’s core temperature, stimulating an immune response   and creating a more inhospitable environment to all pathogens.

Negative Ions:
When the body is deficient in negative ions, cell channels are closed and cellular communication ceases. Nutrients can’t be absorbed and waste can’t be eliminated. Through generating an abundance of negative ions, the BioMat facilitates cellular metabolism, enhances vitality and distributes nutrients throughout the body.

The BioMat’s healing applications:
•Strengthens the immune system: stimulates increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.
•Increases blood circulation
•Oxygenates the blood and whole body.
•Burns calories & helps with weight control.
•Detoxes by dissolving hidden toxins. Promotes elimination of fats, chemicals, lactic & uric acids, heavy metals, excess sodium & other toxins.
•Gives an anti-aging effect from the elimination of accumulated cosmetic ingredients through the skin.
•Stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism.
•Aids in breaking down cellulite (which is essentially trapped water, fat and waste).
•Induces the killing of varied pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi & parasites.
•Promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury).
•Increases growth of tissue repair cells; promotes regeneration.
•Reduces stress: relieves nervous tension & relaxes muscles.
•Strengthens the cardiovascular system: heart rate increases; diastolic blood pressure decrease.
• Relieves pain
•Alkalizes the body

Continuing with the Immune Boost Detox we utilize La casa’s PEMF machine wherein we use four methods of delivering pulsed magnetic energy into the body.

PEMF Therapy

1) Our most popular device is the heavy-hitting Magna-Pulse, and we use it both in our Intensive Colonics, and as a stand-alone therapy. We have seen it alleviate discomfort and inflammation with astonishing rapidity—sometimes in the first session. It is our most powerful pulsed magnetic instrument at 20K Gauss per pulse and 2 Tesla.

2) The Pulsed Harmonix is a smaller unit, but still packs a punch. When there us long-standing illness, we recommend that clients purchase their own unit for home use, as his smaller unit is affordable by most pocketbooks. It has the additional advantage of being able to put the mat on the bed and works to generate energy to your cells while you are sleeping. A unit worth its weight in gold.

3) We have a device that we use specifically for the face, which delivers sound and heat energy as well as pulsed magnetic energy. A youthful face awaits you with the regular use of this instrument.

4) We have a pulsed magnetic strip which we can place on the back and abdomen during massages, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the massage.

Following your PEMF treatment we use an extraordinary therapy that is a biophotonic instrument, the Lumina Nocturna. It is both an ATP Inductor and neuro-endocrine balancer, hand-crafted by Sky David, who has spent over 20 years developing this unique device.

The Lumina Nocturna enhances the ability of mitochondria to produce ATP, inducing the highest level of endocrine gland function as well as promoting tissue regeneration at and below the cellular level. The biophotonic properties of the device mimic the pineal gland (at the back of the hypothalamus), heightening the production of the senior neurotransmitter, N.N. Dimethyltrptamine for naturally induced deep regenerative sleep. This, in turn, recharges the adrenal glands.

The brilliance of the device is that it has a “Bio-Sensor.” Through a dynamically changing concert of complex harmonics, overtones and undertones, it senses the state of living tissue, and sends that biological information back to the master control. The output is then modified to conform to the specific tissue state at that point in time. Therefore, all treatments accommodate to the infinite variability of the living tissue as it changes. (There are no fixed “frequencies” that are universally effective for response in living tissue.)

The visible and non-visible light waves emitted reflect the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including the small slice of visible light to the human eye and beyond, in both short and long wave energy.

Placement on the sternum effects the best neurological enhancement. The effect is systemic and cascades through the tissues.



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Treatment then includes placement on three primary positions along the descending and ascending circuits of the body (the conception vessel and the governing vessel) that rejuvenate the entire body and restore adrenal energy. This is the “PDT power nap”. Imagine “sucking in” the light during each position. It feels like feeding on the light as if it is an energetic umbilical cord.

Effects include better, more regenerative sleep, better excellence in activities from sports to meditation with great focus of intent, greater bodily energy, and increased rapidity of tissue healing.

Photodynamic therapies have been in extensive stages of research in Germany (under Fritz Popp, “the father of Biophotonics”) and Japan for over 25 years, and are now being studied as part of academic programs in advanced research in the United States, including at Harvard Medical School. Here is one researcher’s understanding of the effect of just one of the light waves used in the Lumina Nocturna:

“For example, the near-infrared beam interacts with the natural protein collagen, which is found in the connective tissues. The interaction changes the near-infrared light to visible light, a process known as second harmonic generation. Likewise, natural proteins and lipids within the cells interact with near-infrared light and change it to visible light through another process called four-wave mixing.”